Using QR Codes on T-Shirts: A Fashion Statement or a Marketing Tool?
Do you have a QR code on your T-shirt? It might not be long before you do, as more and more marketers use QR codes to promote their businesses. But is this just a passing trend, or do scanned QR codes help boost your marketing efforts? What are they used for? How do you create one? Which one is the best QR Code generator? And, most importantly, should you put a QR code on your next T-shirt? Here's everything you need to know about QR codes and T-shirts. Let's Start With What is a QR Code T-Shirt? How Does It Work? QR code t-shirts are a type of t-shirt design that uses innovative QR code technology to direct people to view the electronic content of the t-shirt by scanning the QR code. This kind of t-shirt design helps the creator to interact with its target audience online, which can be helpful for marketing or advertising purposes. The QR code can direct people to a website, video, or product page, making it a versatile tool. Top 5 Benefits of Using QR Codes on T-Shirts ...