How to Generate a QR Code With Backendless API Service?

 QR codes are becoming increasingly popular as they offer a convenient way for businesses to provide customers with extra information about their products or services. Have you ever wanted to create a QR code for your business but didn't know how? Or maybe you created one, but it wasn't functioning correctly. Backendless API Service is a powerful tool for generating QR codes without worrying about the backend or database storage. Today, this blog post will walk you through the steps to generate a QR code with Backendless API Service. For the sample, we will be using Java and the ZXing library. So, let's get started!

What Is A QR Code, And How Do They Work For Businesses??

Have you seen those black and white squares with strange patterns popping up everywhere lately? They’re called QR codes, and they’re becoming more and more popular as a way to promote mobile apps. QR stands for “quick response,” and that’s exactly what these codes are designed to do: provide a quick way for potential customers to learn more about your app. All they need to do is scan the code with their smartphone, and they’ll be taken to your app’s page in the App Store or Google Play. QR codes have become a popular marketing tool for businesses. They commonly provide customers with extra information about a product or service. For example, a QR code can be used to display a website URL, an email address, or a phone number. QR codes can also provide directions to a location or offer discounts or coupons. 

You might be wondering how QR codes can help you promote your app. After all, couldn’t people just search for your app by name? The truth is that most people are far more likely to download an app if they’ve heard of it beforehand, and that’s where QR codes come in. You can reach a wide audience with minimal effort by putting these codes in high-traffic areas like bus stops or flyers. And because scanning a QR code is such a simple task, you can be sure that many people will take the time to do it.  In addition to making it easy for potential customers to find your app, QR codes can also be used to track your marketing campaign's effectiveness. Each time someone scans one of your codes, you’ll be able to see how many people are interested in your app. This information can help you adjust your marketing strategy on the fly to get the most bang for your buck.

Before Dive into the Steps, First A Little Intro About Backendless API Service:

Backend less API Service is a powerful platform that enables developers to create apps without writing backend code. It provides user management, data storage, push notifications, file storage, and more. Backend less API Service also has a free QR code generator that can be used to create QR codes for your apps. In addition to its codeless app builder and real-time database, the Backend less API Service provides a server less backend and complete API service solutions. This makes it possible for developers to build apps faster and easier than ever. With its intuitive design and easy-to-use interface, the Backend less API Service is the perfect solution for anyone looking to create a new app.

Let's Generate a QR Code With Backendless API Service:

Now that you know what a QR code is and how Backendless API Service can help you create one, it’s time to dive into the steps.

Step 1. First, log in to Backendless Console, and click on the Business Logic (Cloud Code) icon. After that, download the archive by expanding it onto your local machine. You will find a special “Java CodeRunner” package in this archive.

Step 2. To use the ZXing library, download it from the maven repository and place it in the libs folder of your project. The folder should already be present in the file you downloaded earlier.

Here are the links to the library modules:

Step 3. We've now reached a point where we're ready to write the service, so let's employ the following two approaches:

  1. One will transfer a byte[] array in return for the request. That byte[] array will hold raw picture data.

  2. In the second option, the QR code is generated and saved to a file using Backendless File Service. It will also store data with Data Service and provide a link to the file and the objectId of the DB record in the database.

Here is the code:

package <your_package_name>;

import com.backendless.Backendless;

import com.backendless.servercode.BackendlessService;








import java.util.HashMap;

import java.util.Map;

import java.util.UUID;


public class QRCodeGenerator


 // in this method the work is mainly done with the 'ZXing' library

 public byte[] generateQRCode( String data, int width, int height ) throws IOException, WriterException


   QRCodeWriter qrCodeWriter = new QRCodeWriter();

   BitMatrix bitMatrix = qrCodeWriter.encode( data, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, width, height );

   byte[] png;

   try (ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream())


     MatrixToImageWriter.writeToStream( bitMatrix, "PNG", baos );

     png = baos.toByteArray();


   return png;


 public String[] generateQRCodePicture( String data, int width, int height ) throws WriterException, IOException


   // generate qr code with our method

   byte[] png = this.generateQRCode( data, width, height );\

   // generate random uuid as file name and save it using Backendless File service

   String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

   String path = Backendless.Files.saveFile( "qr_codes", uuid + ".png", png );

   // create record in database where we save original data, and a link to generated file

   Map<String, Object> record = new HashMap<>();

   record.put( "data", data );

   record.put( "file", path );

   Map<String, Object> result = Backendless.Data.of( "qr_codes" ).save( record );

   // return response with objectId and file path

   return new String[] { (String) result.get( "objectId" ), path };



Step 4. Next, we will create a table with the name qr_codes that contains all the data about our QR codes. In the SCHEMA tab of the table, once it has been created, add the following information:

Column 1:

column name – STRING data, data type

Column 2:

column name – FILE REFERENCE file, data type

Step 5. Try out the code and deploy it on Backendless Server.

  1. Go to the directory in which you have unpacked CodeRunner using a Terminal window.

  2. To run CodeRunner, type in the command: ./bin/

  3. Your services can now be debugged and invoked:

Step 6. After calling the generateQRCodePicture() method, go to the Data section and check the result. You should get a qr_codes table there:

You will be taken to the Files section where<guid>.png is located by clicking on the file relation.

So, we have now generated a QR code. Once created, you can use this code for various purposes. Just download the QR code and use it in marketing campaigns.

As you can see, generating a QR code with Backendless API Service can be quite difficult and time-consuming. However, there is an easier way to do it with QRCodechimp. You can create a QR code quickly with just a few clicks. Let's take a look at how it works.

How QRCodechimp Makes QR Codes Simple and Easy? is a free and easy-to-use QR code generator. It is the perfect solution for those who want to create a QR code without hassle. With QRCodechimp, you can generate a QR code in seconds.

  • First, go to the website and register for a free account. Once you have registered, you will be taken to the dashboard.

  • Enter the URL or link you want to generate a QR code for and click on the Generate button.

  • You can now track QR scans by clicking on the "Make dynamic" button.

  • Now, design your QR code by choosing one of the many templates. You can also add your logo to the QR code.

  • Finally, download the QR code in high resolution and print it out.

And that's it! Your QR code is ready. You can now download it and use it for whatever you want. See how easy it is to generate a QR code with QRCodechimp? So, what are you waiting for? Try it out now!

Final Thoughts:

Now that you know how to generate a QR code with Backendless API Service, you may want to try an easier and faster method. QRCodechimp is a great option to create a QR code in seconds without hassle. So, why not try it out now? With QRCodechimp, you can create high-quality QR codes for your business or personal use. Also, our codes are compatible with all major platforms, including iOS, Android, and Windows. So, what are you waiting for? Try QRCodechimp today!


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